Saturday, March 9, 2019

When It All Ends

                 The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is nearly approaching, and it seems we need to say goodbye to our friends, and teachers. Memories and many lessons were made.
         This 4th grading, we learn how to manipulate Photoshop. Just like when we met our classmates, we explore their lives as we explore photoshop.
We make sure that we know every part of their lives, just like photoshop, we must need to know every part of it so that we know what we are doing. So that we can be a good one. We may take different paths but the memories and lessons that we learned will surely remain in everyones mind and heart. Photoshop is not that easy to learn, you must have patience, you must have the courage to learn in order for you to know what you're going to do. Just like when you enter friedship you must know them first before you officially enter into their lives. Learning is essential. I am very proud to tell to everyone that our lesson this last grading marks my heart, it leaves a big mark in my heart. And thinking about it makes me feel good and happy and at the same time sad. Knowing that the given time is so short.  It's not that easy to leave and be happy again. Because the memories that were made is not easy to forget and replace, no, correction, it will never be forgotten and replaced. Every moments together with our classmates should be cherished by each and everyone. It's so hard to think that we need to bid goodbye and leave our family for we are going to take different path as other, for we are going to make our way to success, it will never be easy , knowing that they will find another and you will be going to be replace by another person, and soon you'll going to be stranger to them, it will never be easy to find another one just like them. All the lessons that we have tackled, I promise and try my best to always apply it in real life. 
         Just like photoshop, when we are already done with it we need to save it, for us to always look back for what we did, and it's sad to say that we will end up viewing what we did, and finally telling to ourselves that we made it, we made it with the help of others.

My Dreams: My Energizer

 Every person has a dream in its life.  A dream you've been always praying for, a dream that will not going to remain as a dream because we want it to be real. Without dreams, there will be no ambition to chase. There will be no goal to be reach. Not having dreams is like following an invisible shadow. You don't know where to go, you don't know what path or way should you follow.  It is very important to know what we want to do in our life and follow that ambition. We can’t achieve anything in life without goals, and for these goals, we need to dream. Dream high.
     All people have dreams. It's either big ones or small ones. Even the most successful people had dreams and that is what has made them what they are today. Dreaming is very essential for a human being. Without dreams, you will lose interest in life and finally hate to live life, because you feel that your life doesn't have direction. And you feel useless when you don't have this what they are calling "dream", "goals", "ambition". Only with dreams, will find the essence of their life and their purpose in continuing living their lives. You will start working hard towards the dream and will never lose interest in life. You will never get tired and you'll always be motivated. This is the best way to become a successful one.
     But with dreams, comes great sweet responsibility. It is just not enough to dream and forget about that dream. Many people dream, but only some wake up and work for it. They're just dreaming but they're not pursuing it in order for them to reach it. You need to work hard for your dreams. Without this hard work and sacrifices, a dream will only remain a desire that will never be achieved. We must go that extra mile to reach our goals. Failures may come, but an attitude to keep moving on and trying to improve is thoroughly achieved by dreams. Dreams are the fuel that keep energizing you to go further. Eventhough there are so many circumstances in our life that we will going to face, we should never give up, we should believe in ourselves, have faith with ourselves. Trust God and you can do it.
     Dreams also help in aiming for bigger goals. Dreaming for big goals are very important and they can even be dreams that can change your entire life. Dreams help you achieve any goal that you want to achieve. It is almost the most very essential thing in one’s life. So dreams are very important in life. They motivate, inspire, improve and help you in achieving any goal that you want to achieve. It is the most important thing in life and without dreams, we will be nowhere. Because our dream is our future.

117th Foundation Day of Ilocos Sur National High School

  The 117th Foundation Day of Ilocos Sur National High School were conducted in the 2nd and 3rd day of March, 2019. The most awaited part of every students in the school, and the busiest occasion celebrated in school.

       There is a great deal of hurried activities, excitement and anticipation that awaits the participants for the event. Students participated in different activities. Even those who are not actively participating in the event are lifted to join the activities, such as field demonstration. The goal of this 117th Foundation Day of our school is that they want the students to chill and enjoy funfilled day at school. Preparations start much ahead of time. Initially, a meeting is called out to faculty members then informing all the students about the set-out activities for the two-day program. Each grade prepared their dance number in the field demonstration.  Bulletin boards are updated and well-decorated. This is to have a good impression of the scyfyhool from the guests, parents and other stakeholders of the school. Much so, the alumni of the school who would like to join and attend the celebration. The different activities in store for the students are highly anticipated. Long rehearsals are done to master the pieces to be presented, if not showcased in perfection. The highlight of the event was the dance number of each grade level, Mr. and Ms. ISNHS and the coronation ball is greatly awaited.
         Everyone is enveloped with excitement and worry. The juncture is decorated with astonishing beautifications which make the venue more encouraging to the participants of the event. Normally, the program started with the grand parade among all the students around Vigan City, an opening remark from the school principal and the inspiring talk from the guest speaker. Then, the activities are commenced and winners are announced afterwards.
         The program closes with acknowledgment of all the participants of the event and extending gratitude to the stakeholders of the school. Finally, everyone goes home saying goodbye to each other plastered with a big smile in their faces.


When It All Ends

                       The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is...