Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Planting Hand in Hand Makes a Dream Come True


           It was Saturday morning, I was on my way to my friend's house, I noticed some children's eating junk foods and drinking soda. And it really breaks my heart. I hate to see them eating unhealthy foods because me, myself prefer to eat vegetables and fruits that is why I'm healthy.
          Before, they are saying that it is better to have a clean and green surrounding. I look at my surrounding I saw scattered paper and garbage everywhere. I can't see green plants anymore. This 2018 Nutrition Month theme, "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin". It says that we should plant vegetables and fruits which is good to our health. And its focuses on food production at home through family's own garden. This is food planted at home, it can be in your little backyard or farm. Having a food gardens can help a family to improve. It can be the source of your income if you have plenty of vegetables or fruit crops. Having a right nutrition is very important element in our everyday life because it is the only thing that will gave us energy so that we can perform well, we need this especially when we are attending our class in school, doing household chores, or even in your work. But were do this nutrition that we need coming from? The nutrition came from the food that we are eating. The main source of vitamins and minerals are the fruit and vegetables. But take note, not all the vegetables and fruits are healthy, because of the way that it is planted, because of non-organic planting. According to my research, the result can harm your health if you eat non-organic vegetables and fruits because there are elements that can cause harm to our body. You can plant everywhere, it is better if you have a lot where you can have a mini garden.
        We should always remember that we need to plant so that we can be able to harvest, so that in the right time, enough and right nutrition will be achieved. Stop eating not nutritious food and start planting so that in the end we can obtain a prosperous and progressive life. Life is so beautiful to be wasted. You only live once. Never mind the money because HEALTH IS WEALTH.
           I was walking again when i noticed some houses having their own mini garden. In what I saw my heart was touched, and I can see the clean and green surrounding is much better than anything. We are all in this together, always remember that once we plant in our hearts and our mind that we need it. We are all in this together , when we plant we harvest, better health we can make it. We are all in this together, it shows that when we plant hand in hand make a dream come true.


When It All Ends

                       The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is...