Monday, July 30, 2018

SONA 2018


               In this world full of cruel people there will always be someone who will fight for you, who will fight for your rights. We are always seeking for a change. We wanted change, always. But why is it always so hard to achieve the change we wanted and wishing for. Not until President Rodrigo Duterte made us realize that change is coming. July 23,2018 was the 3rd SONA of our President Rodrigo Duterte at Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. I admire Mr. President for being a very strong symbol of hope. He has good intentions in uniting the country.
                In his speech he mentioned some issues, first was the war on drugs, second was about the human rights, he also talked about the corruption. About the drugs issues it is surely drug dealers will finally stop what they are doing, because they surely know fully well that their business is against the law. They know the consequences of their criminal acts, especially when caught in action and it would be the reason that they will be violently resist arrest. They know that illegal drugs waste away lives, broken families, and ruin relationships. Once they are hooked, they will surely die. "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives". -President Duterte. There are many wasted families and destroyed and this is because of the chemicals called shabu, cocaince, cannabis, and heroine. Human life is giving every person a decent future, giving their rights to live what they want, and to live their life to the fullest.  He also mentioned corruption, because of this it destroys our country, the poor suffer too much because of this corruption. Stolen wealth does not make the thief respectable. One day, thieves will be catch up by justice, someday.
                All of this will surely give us the change that we are wishing for. Trust our President's word, he can do it, he will make it. He will make our dream come true. He will do everything to improve our country so that it will be a better one. He will execute those illegal doings. Once all of these will be going to happen , there will be no more wrecked families, no more ruin relationships, and broken friendships no more. Peace is what we can achieve. Let's trust our President's word. Trust me he can do it, he will make it.


When It All Ends

                       The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is...