Saturday, March 9, 2019

When It All Ends

                 The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is nearly approaching, and it seems we need to say goodbye to our friends, and teachers. Memories and many lessons were made.
         This 4th grading, we learn how to manipulate Photoshop. Just like when we met our classmates, we explore their lives as we explore photoshop.
We make sure that we know every part of their lives, just like photoshop, we must need to know every part of it so that we know what we are doing. So that we can be a good one. We may take different paths but the memories and lessons that we learned will surely remain in everyones mind and heart. Photoshop is not that easy to learn, you must have patience, you must have the courage to learn in order for you to know what you're going to do. Just like when you enter friedship you must know them first before you officially enter into their lives. Learning is essential. I am very proud to tell to everyone that our lesson this last grading marks my heart, it leaves a big mark in my heart. And thinking about it makes me feel good and happy and at the same time sad. Knowing that the given time is so short.  It's not that easy to leave and be happy again. Because the memories that were made is not easy to forget and replace, no, correction, it will never be forgotten and replaced. Every moments together with our classmates should be cherished by each and everyone. It's so hard to think that we need to bid goodbye and leave our family for we are going to take different path as other, for we are going to make our way to success, it will never be easy , knowing that they will find another and you will be going to be replace by another person, and soon you'll going to be stranger to them, it will never be easy to find another one just like them. All the lessons that we have tackled, I promise and try my best to always apply it in real life. 
         Just like photoshop, when we are already done with it we need to save it, for us to always look back for what we did, and it's sad to say that we will end up viewing what we did, and finally telling to ourselves that we made it, we made it with the help of others.

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When It All Ends

                       The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is...