Monday, December 10, 2018

Equality and Equity

      A man and a woman were created by God to live and to be free. A man was made as elegant as a tea, as strong as chimpanzee, and as sweet as honey bee. Woman was made as precious as gem, as merrily as the wind, and as calm as the sea. All of us were created equally. But then,  there are injustices that were made. There are discriminations in every part of our country. There is equality no more. The powerful ones are manipulating the lives of the others, cruel people destroyed and violated every human right, and because they want to own the crowd. They manipulate their hearts and mind, their astrocious hearts turn their lives in misery. The equality in our country were no where to be found.
                    All human rights are important to protect humans from discrimination, the main human right which is a stem of all human rights is the right to equality. Many sorts of discriminatory practices stem from prejudice and stereotyping, which occurs when people form assumptions about the tendencies and characteristics of certain social capabilities or even inherent moral failings. This may be due to the current social system which bears other types of inequalities, such as economic, racial, and gender inequality.
                     Women should have equal rights and opportunities as men. Women are more than just housewives. In the war that was happened years ago, women’s contributions were just as important as the men’s. Women did many of the same jobs as men during the wars. Women participated in the army, saved lives and supported and cared for their families on the home front. Women proved that they are strong in every sense of the word. For a long time now, women work equally as men do. Women now share the same jobs, play double role as a mother and father, the same responsibilities yet again women do not get enough credit as men do. “Men” should remember that women are people too that are being deprived from their human rights. Discrimination against women rights are being based not only on their sexuality but also by their color, race, and age.
In history, women have always struggled to gain equality, respect, and the same rights as men. Women had had to endure years of sexism and struggle to get to where we are today. Respect each of everyone's rights, because we are all equal. God created as all equally.

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