Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Love, Respect, and Celebrate their Sacrifices


              Not all the people who fight always win. In every war you don't know your destiny, you'll going to win or lose. In every war, expect that your life is in danger. Are you going to take the risk? Are you willing to sacrifice your life for the sake of others? Are you willing to sacrifice even though sacrificing your life lead you to death? Are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of your own country?
              It was June 12, 1898 when the first President of our country Emilio Aguinaldo announced the Philippines Independence after colonized by the three countries namely, America, Japan, and Spain. But how do we became free to those who colonized as. We became free because of our heroes, but what did they do? We all know that some of our heroes died using the ink and paper, and some of them also used their sword to fight from the invaders of our country. What should we do in order to show our respect to our heroes who died for us and for our country? Respecting what they did and appreciating is one of showing love to our country. Respect our flag during flag ceremony, cherish and buy some products of our own country. For us the millennial, we should study well so that we can help our country in making it a better country to live with. So that when we are professional we can contribute things that will make our country the best country. Let us all be responsible citizen so that our country will became progressive. Through this, we already showed our respect and love for our country.
              Respect and love is all we need in showing respect in the effort of our heroes who died because of wanting to become free in all the invaders who owned us and make us as their slaves. Cherish all their efforts and never forget.

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