Friday, October 19, 2018


Some students really don't know the real essence of computer. They're not using technology properly. The one reason why did inventor made a computer and technologies is that, it is for school purposes, but students don't know how to use it properly, they don't know how to use the technology properly. They are abusing it, they do not know their limitations. To be honest, I have been there also, when I was a child, I thought computers were made for children in order them to play, when I was young, I just played with our computer until I get bored on it. I didn't know the importance of technology back then. But now, my secondary life changed my perspective about technology. My secondary life taught me the real essence of technology.

 Why do we need to know what ICT is? So that we have the knowledge about ICT and so that we know the real essence of it and what can ICT gave into our lives. Because of this subject, I learned many things, I gain new knowledge, knowledge where I can share with others, because of this subject, I know now the parts of the motherboard together with their uses. During the learning process teachers have provided the best information from the syllable, lecture to reference. ICT is useful and helpful. Its an application of modern technology to interact and share information among people and develop science through technolog. It was used to communicate ideas with others. The opportunities brought about by this subject to  students were able to experience the new technology in today’s generation and the challenges brought about by the ICT to the students is how the new technologies that are being used affect the generation. If you create a blog, you should already know that it is seen by the public which let them comment their opinions. For me, the real challenge brought about this subject is that how communication is fast by just the use of social media websites. This is very helpful in every student, especially, if you need help on specific topics for a subject.  This grading i have learned a lot. I have learned on how to use notepad, and i have learned that notepad is not really useless, because back when I still didn't know what's really use of notepad is. I had once asked myself why did they made the notepad. But now, this grading help me to know more about notepad. And I was like wow, notepad is really not a useless.
       I have learned a lot about technology. Now, I know what really ICT subject is. Because of this subject I learned a lot, I gained knowledge. We, the students should give importance about this subject, because of this subject our confidence was boosted, it sharpens also the brain's performance of the individuals. Because of this subject, we can communicate with others. Every students should know the real essense of technology. We, the students, should give importance on this subject. We are very thankful because of the help of this subject we learned so much.

Respect Each Individual Life

     All human beings are born to be free and equal in dignity and rights. As human beings, we are biological as well as social creatures; we inhabit both physical and cultural space. God created us all. He made us equally, God made us with love. So we are expectedly to love one another. We should respect each other. We are entitled to respect and recognition from one another. We have dignity and should respect and recognize one another because of our common humanity.  In line of Immanuel Kant said, they see self-determination and rationality as a foundation for human dignity. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom to do the things they want, without distinction of 
any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status. We are all free to do our things.  Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination.
      Dignity is very important to individuals, because dignity is something that we honour – by recognising that everyone has it. It’s something that we can never lose. Dignity is something we hold that we want to protect from destruction. The idea of dignity is fundamental to how we regard ourselves. It’s something that connects people from all kinds of cultures and beliefs, and which has ultimately led to the universal recognition that we need to protect and realise this dignity for each and every person. Dignity is something that we want to help people achieve. We ensure people have basic rights to so that they are able to lead a dignified life.  We do this through human rights.
   We, the human beings are rational beings. God given us a brain to think, to choose the good and not the bad, God made us to love one another in spite of our differences . We may not good looking as others, we may not rich as others, they may see us as a nobody, but in God's eyes we are perfect, we are all equal, there is no rich, there is no poor.


A Teacher: A Role Model

      A role model can be everybody or anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend, relatives, but some of the most influential and life-changing role models are our teachers. A role model is a person who will inspire, motivate, and the one who encourage us to strive harder, to strive for greatness, and live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. 
   A role model is someone we admire and someone we wanted to be like. We learn through them, because of them we may able to realize our own personal growth. And through their commitment to excellence they are trying their best to mold our life. “The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called ‘truth’.” – Dan Rather. Teachers wanted us to achieve our dream eventhough it is so very tiring work, and being a teacher is not that easy. We always look to them for advice and for their guidance through our way in achieving our goal on life. A great teacher can change a student’s life. A teacher’s job is sometimes a thankless job; a teacher works in most honest way while performing its duties towards shaping us to be a better person in the future. A teacher is not only someone who teaches, but they are a symbol of learning. A teacher is a person who plays the most important role in the development of any student. Our future depends on the qualities and the dedication of the teacher.  It is the teacher who helps us; the students achieve whatever aims we set for ourselves. 
  They say education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students.” – Solomon Ortiz. We should be always thankful to all the teachers who sacrificed so much just to teach us, words are not enough but then words can touch ones heart, we should always respect them, respect them for who they are, accept them with their flaws because they are just only human too, they commit mistake, let us help one another, because we will never know, someday we will be the ones who will make this country a better one.

Innovation Is What We Need

          Technological innovation makes daily life more convenient and enjoyable for everyone. Innovation covers a number of aspects, including technological process innovation, organizational innovation, supply chain innovation, marketing innovation, business model innovation, and production management innovation. Over the years that the humans have walk upon the earth there have been countless technological innovations. Although the ancient world didn’t have all the resources that we have today, the people of those times did magnificent things that paved the road for us today. Innovation is an important concept to understand as a manager and for an organisation as a whole. Used in the correct manner, innovation can give an organisation the competitive advantage they need to be a success in their market. It is an open truth that a company’s success does not come from its chandeliers, gardens, rather it comes from its intellectual and systems capabilities. Innovation and information are the crucial assets of a business and there is a need to learn to handle these assets in new ways.

             Why do we need innovation? One reason is because of the changing global economy, because of the creative age, the proximity of the marketplace, and because of the democratisation of technology. Technology has been mandatory for human existance. It's unseemingly possible to claim that it wasn't, no matter how advanced the technology was its proved time after time, to be our greatest benefactor in the construction of the new world and the maintainment of the old world.

          The milieu we live in now is more advanced and the technolgy we possess is seemingly limitless. But it wasn't always this way, it took many many centuries, and hundreds and thousands of hit and misses. After the harnested the old technologies came to be, naturally evolution took place they established a government whose definition was to restrain competition for wealth within its jurusdiction. The main purpose the government was created was to prevent "the condition of war of everyone against everyone". Process innovation, which means applying new or improved methods to the production process to increase productivity. The technological aspects of eco-innovation, specifically the greening of the production process utilizing both simple and advanced cleaner production options. Let us help one another so that the country that we are living will become a better one.

When It All Ends

                       The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is...