Friday, October 19, 2018

Innovation Is What We Need

          Technological innovation makes daily life more convenient and enjoyable for everyone. Innovation covers a number of aspects, including technological process innovation, organizational innovation, supply chain innovation, marketing innovation, business model innovation, and production management innovation. Over the years that the humans have walk upon the earth there have been countless technological innovations. Although the ancient world didn’t have all the resources that we have today, the people of those times did magnificent things that paved the road for us today. Innovation is an important concept to understand as a manager and for an organisation as a whole. Used in the correct manner, innovation can give an organisation the competitive advantage they need to be a success in their market. It is an open truth that a company’s success does not come from its chandeliers, gardens, rather it comes from its intellectual and systems capabilities. Innovation and information are the crucial assets of a business and there is a need to learn to handle these assets in new ways.

             Why do we need innovation? One reason is because of the changing global economy, because of the creative age, the proximity of the marketplace, and because of the democratisation of technology. Technology has been mandatory for human existance. It's unseemingly possible to claim that it wasn't, no matter how advanced the technology was its proved time after time, to be our greatest benefactor in the construction of the new world and the maintainment of the old world.

          The milieu we live in now is more advanced and the technolgy we possess is seemingly limitless. But it wasn't always this way, it took many many centuries, and hundreds and thousands of hit and misses. After the harnested the old technologies came to be, naturally evolution took place they established a government whose definition was to restrain competition for wealth within its jurusdiction. The main purpose the government was created was to prevent "the condition of war of everyone against everyone". Process innovation, which means applying new or improved methods to the production process to increase productivity. The technological aspects of eco-innovation, specifically the greening of the production process utilizing both simple and advanced cleaner production options. Let us help one another so that the country that we are living will become a better one.

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