Wednesday, February 13, 2019


           Kannawidan, sounds unfamiliar right? What comes first in your mind when you hear the word kannawidan? The province of Ilocos Sur celebrating its Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. After Vigan City Fiesta, the 2019 Kannawidan Ylocos festival of the province of Ilocos Sur formally opened on January 29 at the Tamag grounds, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, until February 17. It is called Kannawidan Ilocos festival. Meaning of the word "kannawidan" is "nakasanayan " or "nakagawian," in ilocano, also it is a festival of ilocano to restore the habit they have or the things that really came to them and to share them with the neighboring province of Ilocos as well as throughout the Philippines. The other activities for the festival includes the boodle fight, a ritual followed by the presentation of Ilocano traditions spiced with sports events, the Miss Saniata 2019, Mass and procession at the Saint Paul Cathedral, fireworks display, and the grand finals of the Siglat Ilocandia (search for talented Ilocanos), motor show, concerts, search for the biggest agriculture products and livestock, quiz, bee, poetry writing, cook fest, fashion show and comedy night, and many more. Tradition was also found in the culinary treats that residents prepared including delicacies that Ilocos Sur is known for. Different Municipalities displayed products under the One-Town-One-Product (OTOP) booth inside the trade fair. “The traditional opening display the identity proofs that there is a culture that we have form through the years, and we will continue our journey towards the future. A lesson is learned for 2 centuries and that is, as province that we will continue with its glorious past in achieving a more glorious future. Let us walk and celebrate together our independence as a province, a starting point of our journey, let us all remember, and with pride let us be proud to be Ilocosurians for 200 years ,”said Gov. Ryan Singson. 


Don't Wait for Change, Chase Change Instead

    They say changes is the only thing that is constant, we all know that change will happen over time and time, and it never stops for anyone. Eventhough, change might be positive or negative, we must always ready. The very best thing that matters is whether you are able to accept and face that change.
    Change is inevitable. We cannot force ourselves for our life not to be changed. Just like mathematics, constants are present in each and every equation, same way, change is always there in each and every situation of our life. No one can ever ignore it nor run with it, so we must need to accept it. Another reason why change is necessary, is because we evolve and we unfold ourselves with each and every small change. 
    But why do we need to change? Change is very important, because of change we can be more productive, and more efficient. If that change will going to happen in our life we need to change for the better and not for worse. In our society, it seeks change, our society is going and going toxic because of the irresponsible ones, some are just living, they are not making moves in order to make our country a better place where can anyone live. Instead, they are making it worse, they are destroying it, respect wasn't with them anymore, they are becoming more abusive. 
    And I may say, I will never be like them nor one of them. I am not going to do those things. If that change will happen in my life, no! I will make a change rather, I will be the one who'll going to make change, change that will make our country a better one, I will start that change from myself, If no one wants to make a change, then I'll be that one who'll going to chase that "change" that I've wanted. I am not going to promise, but I'll try my best to change for the better abd not for worse.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Temporary People No More

     I may say that 2018 was a painful one. 2018 thought me so many things. One, it thought me how to love, loving someone is not that easy, because it doesn't mean that if you love someone they'll going to love you back, and love doesn't work that way, it can also be one-sided love. Knowing that you're in one sided love, it's really painful, seeing the one you love happy , and the fact that your not even the reason of his happiness, it's so very sad. And because of that pain, I was motivated to do something, to accept everything, and it made me stronger, and because of that pain, I realize something, that I deserve everything, I deserve to be happy. Because of that, I was tired of putting effort in those who don’t deserve my efforts.
     2018 thought me to be patient, because I believe that good things come to those who patiently wait. New year, new me, and I've decided that I ain't gonna change my self just to level their expectations. I am me, if you can't accept me at my worse then you don't deserve to be a part of my life. I am more than willing to  accept you in my life if you can accept me wholeheartedly, if you are willing to accept my flaws. In life, acceptance is very important, you need to accept the fact that everyone is not the same, that we are not the same.
      This 2019, I have decided that I'll stop myself pleasing other people to stay. The ones who wanted to stay, will stay, the ones who wanted to walk out in my life, will go. Temporary people no more. What I want this 2019: less stress, less pain, less problems, more happiness and more more laugh. Things to quit this 2019: trying to please everyone, living in the past, putting myself down and overthinking, negativities. I will change myself for better and not for worse.

When It All Ends

                       The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is...