Monday, February 4, 2019

Temporary People No More

     I may say that 2018 was a painful one. 2018 thought me so many things. One, it thought me how to love, loving someone is not that easy, because it doesn't mean that if you love someone they'll going to love you back, and love doesn't work that way, it can also be one-sided love. Knowing that you're in one sided love, it's really painful, seeing the one you love happy , and the fact that your not even the reason of his happiness, it's so very sad. And because of that pain, I was motivated to do something, to accept everything, and it made me stronger, and because of that pain, I realize something, that I deserve everything, I deserve to be happy. Because of that, I was tired of putting effort in those who don’t deserve my efforts.
     2018 thought me to be patient, because I believe that good things come to those who patiently wait. New year, new me, and I've decided that I ain't gonna change my self just to level their expectations. I am me, if you can't accept me at my worse then you don't deserve to be a part of my life. I am more than willing to  accept you in my life if you can accept me wholeheartedly, if you are willing to accept my flaws. In life, acceptance is very important, you need to accept the fact that everyone is not the same, that we are not the same.
      This 2019, I have decided that I'll stop myself pleasing other people to stay. The ones who wanted to stay, will stay, the ones who wanted to walk out in my life, will go. Temporary people no more. What I want this 2019: less stress, less pain, less problems, more happiness and more more laugh. Things to quit this 2019: trying to please everyone, living in the past, putting myself down and overthinking, negativities. I will change myself for better and not for worse.

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