Saturday, March 9, 2019

When It All Ends

                 The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is nearly approaching, and it seems we need to say goodbye to our friends, and teachers. Memories and many lessons were made.
         This 4th grading, we learn how to manipulate Photoshop. Just like when we met our classmates, we explore their lives as we explore photoshop.
We make sure that we know every part of their lives, just like photoshop, we must need to know every part of it so that we know what we are doing. So that we can be a good one. We may take different paths but the memories and lessons that we learned will surely remain in everyones mind and heart. Photoshop is not that easy to learn, you must have patience, you must have the courage to learn in order for you to know what you're going to do. Just like when you enter friedship you must know them first before you officially enter into their lives. Learning is essential. I am very proud to tell to everyone that our lesson this last grading marks my heart, it leaves a big mark in my heart. And thinking about it makes me feel good and happy and at the same time sad. Knowing that the given time is so short.  It's not that easy to leave and be happy again. Because the memories that were made is not easy to forget and replace, no, correction, it will never be forgotten and replaced. Every moments together with our classmates should be cherished by each and everyone. It's so hard to think that we need to bid goodbye and leave our family for we are going to take different path as other, for we are going to make our way to success, it will never be easy , knowing that they will find another and you will be going to be replace by another person, and soon you'll going to be stranger to them, it will never be easy to find another one just like them. All the lessons that we have tackled, I promise and try my best to always apply it in real life. 
         Just like photoshop, when we are already done with it we need to save it, for us to always look back for what we did, and it's sad to say that we will end up viewing what we did, and finally telling to ourselves that we made it, we made it with the help of others.

My Dreams: My Energizer

 Every person has a dream in its life.  A dream you've been always praying for, a dream that will not going to remain as a dream because we want it to be real. Without dreams, there will be no ambition to chase. There will be no goal to be reach. Not having dreams is like following an invisible shadow. You don't know where to go, you don't know what path or way should you follow.  It is very important to know what we want to do in our life and follow that ambition. We can’t achieve anything in life without goals, and for these goals, we need to dream. Dream high.
     All people have dreams. It's either big ones or small ones. Even the most successful people had dreams and that is what has made them what they are today. Dreaming is very essential for a human being. Without dreams, you will lose interest in life and finally hate to live life, because you feel that your life doesn't have direction. And you feel useless when you don't have this what they are calling "dream", "goals", "ambition". Only with dreams, will find the essence of their life and their purpose in continuing living their lives. You will start working hard towards the dream and will never lose interest in life. You will never get tired and you'll always be motivated. This is the best way to become a successful one.
     But with dreams, comes great sweet responsibility. It is just not enough to dream and forget about that dream. Many people dream, but only some wake up and work for it. They're just dreaming but they're not pursuing it in order for them to reach it. You need to work hard for your dreams. Without this hard work and sacrifices, a dream will only remain a desire that will never be achieved. We must go that extra mile to reach our goals. Failures may come, but an attitude to keep moving on and trying to improve is thoroughly achieved by dreams. Dreams are the fuel that keep energizing you to go further. Eventhough there are so many circumstances in our life that we will going to face, we should never give up, we should believe in ourselves, have faith with ourselves. Trust God and you can do it.
     Dreams also help in aiming for bigger goals. Dreaming for big goals are very important and they can even be dreams that can change your entire life. Dreams help you achieve any goal that you want to achieve. It is almost the most very essential thing in one’s life. So dreams are very important in life. They motivate, inspire, improve and help you in achieving any goal that you want to achieve. It is the most important thing in life and without dreams, we will be nowhere. Because our dream is our future.

117th Foundation Day of Ilocos Sur National High School

  The 117th Foundation Day of Ilocos Sur National High School were conducted in the 2nd and 3rd day of March, 2019. The most awaited part of every students in the school, and the busiest occasion celebrated in school.

       There is a great deal of hurried activities, excitement and anticipation that awaits the participants for the event. Students participated in different activities. Even those who are not actively participating in the event are lifted to join the activities, such as field demonstration. The goal of this 117th Foundation Day of our school is that they want the students to chill and enjoy funfilled day at school. Preparations start much ahead of time. Initially, a meeting is called out to faculty members then informing all the students about the set-out activities for the two-day program. Each grade prepared their dance number in the field demonstration.  Bulletin boards are updated and well-decorated. This is to have a good impression of the scyfyhool from the guests, parents and other stakeholders of the school. Much so, the alumni of the school who would like to join and attend the celebration. The different activities in store for the students are highly anticipated. Long rehearsals are done to master the pieces to be presented, if not showcased in perfection. The highlight of the event was the dance number of each grade level, Mr. and Ms. ISNHS and the coronation ball is greatly awaited.
         Everyone is enveloped with excitement and worry. The juncture is decorated with astonishing beautifications which make the venue more encouraging to the participants of the event. Normally, the program started with the grand parade among all the students around Vigan City, an opening remark from the school principal and the inspiring talk from the guest speaker. Then, the activities are commenced and winners are announced afterwards.
         The program closes with acknowledgment of all the participants of the event and extending gratitude to the stakeholders of the school. Finally, everyone goes home saying goodbye to each other plastered with a big smile in their faces.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019


           Kannawidan, sounds unfamiliar right? What comes first in your mind when you hear the word kannawidan? The province of Ilocos Sur celebrating its Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. After Vigan City Fiesta, the 2019 Kannawidan Ylocos festival of the province of Ilocos Sur formally opened on January 29 at the Tamag grounds, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, until February 17. It is called Kannawidan Ilocos festival. Meaning of the word "kannawidan" is "nakasanayan " or "nakagawian," in ilocano, also it is a festival of ilocano to restore the habit they have or the things that really came to them and to share them with the neighboring province of Ilocos as well as throughout the Philippines. The other activities for the festival includes the boodle fight, a ritual followed by the presentation of Ilocano traditions spiced with sports events, the Miss Saniata 2019, Mass and procession at the Saint Paul Cathedral, fireworks display, and the grand finals of the Siglat Ilocandia (search for talented Ilocanos), motor show, concerts, search for the biggest agriculture products and livestock, quiz, bee, poetry writing, cook fest, fashion show and comedy night, and many more. Tradition was also found in the culinary treats that residents prepared including delicacies that Ilocos Sur is known for. Different Municipalities displayed products under the One-Town-One-Product (OTOP) booth inside the trade fair. “The traditional opening display the identity proofs that there is a culture that we have form through the years, and we will continue our journey towards the future. A lesson is learned for 2 centuries and that is, as province that we will continue with its glorious past in achieving a more glorious future. Let us walk and celebrate together our independence as a province, a starting point of our journey, let us all remember, and with pride let us be proud to be Ilocosurians for 200 years ,”said Gov. Ryan Singson. 


Don't Wait for Change, Chase Change Instead

    They say changes is the only thing that is constant, we all know that change will happen over time and time, and it never stops for anyone. Eventhough, change might be positive or negative, we must always ready. The very best thing that matters is whether you are able to accept and face that change.
    Change is inevitable. We cannot force ourselves for our life not to be changed. Just like mathematics, constants are present in each and every equation, same way, change is always there in each and every situation of our life. No one can ever ignore it nor run with it, so we must need to accept it. Another reason why change is necessary, is because we evolve and we unfold ourselves with each and every small change. 
    But why do we need to change? Change is very important, because of change we can be more productive, and more efficient. If that change will going to happen in our life we need to change for the better and not for worse. In our society, it seeks change, our society is going and going toxic because of the irresponsible ones, some are just living, they are not making moves in order to make our country a better place where can anyone live. Instead, they are making it worse, they are destroying it, respect wasn't with them anymore, they are becoming more abusive. 
    And I may say, I will never be like them nor one of them. I am not going to do those things. If that change will happen in my life, no! I will make a change rather, I will be the one who'll going to make change, change that will make our country a better one, I will start that change from myself, If no one wants to make a change, then I'll be that one who'll going to chase that "change" that I've wanted. I am not going to promise, but I'll try my best to change for the better abd not for worse.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Temporary People No More

     I may say that 2018 was a painful one. 2018 thought me so many things. One, it thought me how to love, loving someone is not that easy, because it doesn't mean that if you love someone they'll going to love you back, and love doesn't work that way, it can also be one-sided love. Knowing that you're in one sided love, it's really painful, seeing the one you love happy , and the fact that your not even the reason of his happiness, it's so very sad. And because of that pain, I was motivated to do something, to accept everything, and it made me stronger, and because of that pain, I realize something, that I deserve everything, I deserve to be happy. Because of that, I was tired of putting effort in those who don’t deserve my efforts.
     2018 thought me to be patient, because I believe that good things come to those who patiently wait. New year, new me, and I've decided that I ain't gonna change my self just to level their expectations. I am me, if you can't accept me at my worse then you don't deserve to be a part of my life. I am more than willing to  accept you in my life if you can accept me wholeheartedly, if you are willing to accept my flaws. In life, acceptance is very important, you need to accept the fact that everyone is not the same, that we are not the same.
      This 2019, I have decided that I'll stop myself pleasing other people to stay. The ones who wanted to stay, will stay, the ones who wanted to walk out in my life, will go. Temporary people no more. What I want this 2019: less stress, less pain, less problems, more happiness and more more laugh. Things to quit this 2019: trying to please everyone, living in the past, putting myself down and overthinking, negativities. I will change myself for better and not for worse.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas is all about Him

                 Eventhough how hurt I am, there are so many reason to take a smile. Eventhough the past months killed me with sadness, there'll always be a reason to be happy again. We have now reached the most awaited month. It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real essence of Christmas? Is it the gifts under your christmas tree, the different kinds and colors of lights in the windows, the cards that you will receive from your admirer, dinner with family and friends, socks hanging in the living room, and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those who pass in the streets? Is this really Christmas? For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow. They don't have the extra money to buy presents for their children, family, and friends. Many are saddened at Christmas time when they think of their loved ones who will not be able to come home because of various reasons. 

             Christmas can be a season of great joy. It is a time of God showing His great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. He was born for a purpose and it was sacrificing himself just to save the sinners and imperfect people like me. Christmas is not just about the expensive gifts, new gadgets and branded clothes, but it’s all about the birth of the Man who saved us from the death and payed for our sins, Jesus Christ. Christmas is all about Him. It makes me feel sad to see how people tend to forget the true meaning of it. They were blinded by the culture or the tradition they thought were all correct. What’s more disappointing, is that they are oblivious on their actions. They all thought that it was correct to celebrate that way for they never heard the truth. 

               Christmas is all about Him. Let’s celebrate it as how God wanted it to be. Let’s all celebrate Christmas with Him. We can truly be happy at Christmas! No matter what may be happening, we can know that we are His children. Let us love one another as respect to our saviour, Jesus Christ. The joy and peace you will receive will last all year as you look to God for all your needs to be met. Jesus Is The Reason For The Season! Rejoice!

Equality and Equity

      A man and a woman were created by God to live and to be free. A man was made as elegant as a tea, as strong as chimpanzee, and as sweet as honey bee. Woman was made as precious as gem, as merrily as the wind, and as calm as the sea. All of us were created equally. But then,  there are injustices that were made. There are discriminations in every part of our country. There is equality no more. The powerful ones are manipulating the lives of the others, cruel people destroyed and violated every human right, and because they want to own the crowd. They manipulate their hearts and mind, their astrocious hearts turn their lives in misery. The equality in our country were no where to be found.
                    All human rights are important to protect humans from discrimination, the main human right which is a stem of all human rights is the right to equality. Many sorts of discriminatory practices stem from prejudice and stereotyping, which occurs when people form assumptions about the tendencies and characteristics of certain social capabilities or even inherent moral failings. This may be due to the current social system which bears other types of inequalities, such as economic, racial, and gender inequality.
                     Women should have equal rights and opportunities as men. Women are more than just housewives. In the war that was happened years ago, women’s contributions were just as important as the men’s. Women did many of the same jobs as men during the wars. Women participated in the army, saved lives and supported and cared for their families on the home front. Women proved that they are strong in every sense of the word. For a long time now, women work equally as men do. Women now share the same jobs, play double role as a mother and father, the same responsibilities yet again women do not get enough credit as men do. “Men” should remember that women are people too that are being deprived from their human rights. Discrimination against women rights are being based not only on their sexuality but also by their color, race, and age.
In history, women have always struggled to gain equality, respect, and the same rights as men. Women had had to endure years of sexism and struggle to get to where we are today. Respect each of everyone's rights, because we are all equal. God created as all equally.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Pagmamahal ang siyang Pinakamahalaga

           "Ma, tama na po", "Mama masakit na po", "Papa aray ko po", ilan yan sa mga daing ng mga batang pinagkakaitan ng pagmamahal mula sa kanilang mga magulang. Sabi nga nila ang mga bata ay minamahal at inaalagaan hindi sinasaktan saktan lamang. Kahit na bata "lang" sila kung tignan ngunit hindi naman natin alam na baka isang araw ang mga batang ito "lang" ang magsusulong ng ating bansa, baka ang mga batang ito "lang" ang mag-aahon ng ating bansa mula sa bangungot. Sabi nga ni Gat Jose Rizal, ang mga kabataan ang pag-asa ng ating bayan. Hindi dapat natin binabalewala ang kasabihang ito. Dahil posible na ang mga kabataan ngayon ang siyang susi sa hinaharap. 

            Ang mga bata ang nangangailangan ng labis-labis na pagmamahal galing sa kanilang magulang. Kungkaya't dapat silang paglaanan ng pagmamahal. Lalo na't sa panahon ngayon marami na ang tinatamaan ng depresyon sa kadahilanang wala silang nararamdamang pagmamahal na nailalaan sa kanila. Ang depresyon na ito ay ang siyang kanilang ikababagsak. Dahil pag hindi nila ito nakayanan ay nagpapakamatay sila. Pataas na ng pataas ang bilang ng mga kabataang nagpapakamatay. Dahil sa pagiging pabaya ng mga magulang nila.

             Sabi nga ng nabasa ko sa internet na tungkol sa maagang pagkabuntis ng mga ilang tinedyer ay hindi nila naaalagaan ng mabuti ang kanilang anak dahil sa wala silang pantustos sa mga pangangailangan ng mga ito. Dahil sa kulang na pag-aaruga ng mga magulang ay parami na ng parami ang nawawala ng landas. Marami na ang tumatahak sa ibang direksyon, direksyon na siyang pupukaw sa kanilang landas.

              Bago pumasok sa pagpapamilya, siguraduhing may ipapakain sa mga anak, at siguraduhing kayang bigyan ng tamang pag-aaruga. Laging isipin na ang mga bata ang labis na nangangailangan nga atensiyon, pagmamahal, at tamang pag-aaruga. Ang mga kabataan ang pag-asa ng ating bayan. Kungkaya't bigyan natin sila ng masayang buhay. Hayaan natin sialng damhin ang tunay na kaligayahan bilang bata. Isulong ang tamang pag-aaruga sa mga bata. Nakasalalay sa inyong mga magulang ang kanilang buhay at kinabukasan. Oras na nasura na ito magiging kalungkot lungkot ang kanilang buhay na siyang rason ng kanilang pagbagsak bulang isang mabuting mamamayan.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

GADGETS: A New Way of Life

The month of November is regarded as the Filipino Values Month accordingly to the DepEd Monthly Celebrations. Our school, Ilocos Sur National High School conducted a celebration for the month of November 2018 with the theme: “Mapanuring paggamit ng gadget: tungo sa mapagkalingang ugnayan sa pamilya at kapwa". Let’s start by giving a definition to the word gadget. A gadget is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty. We all know that nowadays, we can easily found children as young as two years old are playing with an electronic devices and gadgets anywhere. That is not only the video games that make the children stay, it is also includes television, mobile phones and smart phone application, computers, tablet computers, PSP games and etc. Parent may find it easier to make their children stay in one place by giving them a gadget to play with.

What do you think are the effect of the gadget on the relationship of one family? The advancements in technology maybe made a strong impact on almost all areas of our society. It is making a serious difference in the way kids and parents perceive the world and each other. Gadgets can also help in saving a lot of space. Earlier while using a telephone you need to sit at a single place to talk with the other person or your family member but now you can travel anywhere with your cellphone and talk sitting wherever you want. Technology has affected our families both positively and negatively. May I discuss the positive one first? Was able to reach family in trouble, interaction with family groups, and for home security systems. The negative are when a person is too much time on screen, lack of quality time, poor face-to-face interaction with your family or your loved ones,  interrupted family time and limited outdoor acitivities. 

I may say that gadgets is not a bad thing, it helps us rather, but the mistake is within us, we, the user, because we don't know our limitations, we use gadgets as long as we want. It's not about the gadget who made us lazy, its we, it's we the one who's making ourselves lazy. Because we give too much time in using our gadget. Gadgets were made with a purpose. Never blame the gadgets, we should blame ourselves. The problem is in we, not in the gadgets. Let us be a better person. Let's use our gadgets wisely to connect with our family. Because in today's modern age, gadgets has become a way of life.

Monday, November 19, 2018

READING: The More You Know, The Smarter You Grow

                The month of November is regarded as the English Month accordingly to the DepEd Monthly Celebrations. The celebration of the English Festival will be conducted at Ilocos Sur National High School for the month of November 2018 with the theme: “Pagbasa: Susi sa Magandang Kinabukasan.” What does the theme says? We all know that it is not a secret that reading is the key to success; we have been told and taught this from a very early age. Reading is an important part of our society. It is key to learning an understanding. According to my research It has been proven that children who read better, perform better in school and have a more active imagination, leading to a larger world and more possibilities for success. I have been reading well for a long time, my mother taught me to read before, when I was elementary back then my teacher used to remind me to read our lesson everyday. And I can say that having that knowledge early made my school days a breeze. My research told me that  26% of children who were read to three or four times a week by a family member recognized all of the alphabet; compared to 14% of children who were read to less often.

              But why is reading so important? Reading imparts on students a much richer vocabulary than just hearing spoken words can possibly provide. Rarely does a spoken conversation include a description of an angry individual becoming inflamed at a remark, rather than getting mad at what someone said. We as a society tend to ask questions, but reading helps us to inquire or compile a query instead. The ability to read not only helps a student to do well in language arts classes, but all subjects, as well as allowing common tasks to become easier. Reading even helps us communicate in writing better by allowing us to know how words are spelled and how grammar works. So why, then, are less and less people reading everyday? Less young people are reading because of all of the distractions in today's society. TVs, iPods, computers, video games. With technology advancing so quickly, people just aren't interested in the old-fashioned books of yesterday.

            Educators have said for years how important reading is for student success – which is quite true. However, it is more than that. Reading is important for Life success.  The more you know, the smarter you grow. 

When It All Ends

                       The excitement in everyones faces started to fade. The sparkle in their eyes wasn't there anymore. The end is...